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General Information

6th Avenue Elementary

PALs through 5th grade
School wide Title I School


Regular school hours are:                    8:00 A.M. to 2:23 P.M.

Banked time Tuesdays:                        8:00 A.M. to 1:23 P.M.

Recess Schedule

UTK/CC:  9:10 A.M. to 9:30 A.M.

TK, Kindergarten, Second Grade and Fourth Grade: 9:30 A.M. to 9:50 A.M.

First Grade, Third Grade and Fifth Grade: 10:00 A.M. to 10:20 A.M.

Lunch Schedule

UTK/CC, TK, Kindergarten, Second Grade, Fourth Grade: 11:30 A.M. to 12:10 P.M.

First Grade, Third Grade, Fifth Grade: 12:20 P.M. to 12:00 P.M.

Second Grade and Fourth Grade: 11:45 A.M. to 12:25 P.M.

First Grade, Third Grade and Fifth Grade:  12:30 P.M. to 1:10 P.M.

Youth Services & Youth Development Program (YDP)

2:23 P.M. to 5:45 p.m.

School Arrival

Kindergarten pupils should not arrive at school more than ten (10) minutes prior to class time. Students in grades 1-5 should not arrive before 7:30 A.M. 

It is important that your child arrives on time and that he/she is picked up promptly at the end of the day.  If your child is absent, send a note telling the teacher why your child was absent.


School Meal Program

Our whole school is on a free meal program.  Students do not need tickets or a card in order to receive breakfast or lunch.

Breakfast/Lunch Area Standards

Children who eat lunch at school are expected to follow reasonable standards:

     1.  Quiet voices are to be used at eating tables.  Children may talk only to their immediate neighbors.  During lunch there will be a period of approximately five minutes in which the students will be expected to relax and allow their food to properly digest as they listen to soothing music.

     2.  Students are to leave their eating area clean and free of litter.  Students are not to throw food.

     3.  All lunch bags and pails should be identified on the outside with name and room number.

Parents of children who are unable to follow breakfast and lunch standards will be contacted.

Cafeteria Schedule

Breakfast in the classroom is served from 8:00 am. to 8:20 am.. You can log in to the website at: cafe-la.lausd.net/home/BIC  for more information.



The superintendent’s performance meter outlines a goal of student’s to achieve an attendance rate of 96% or better.  This attendance target rate means that children in all grade levels should not miss more than 7 days of school.

LAUSD looses revenue for every student absences.  Last year, the district lost $183,630 from the absences of 6th Avenue students which equals to losing several staff members and valuable student resources.


In order for each child to do his/her best work, each child must attend school regularly and on time. The Main School gate will be locked at 8:01 a.m. Your child will have to come through the office and pick up a “Late Slip”.  Students entering the school after 8:01 a.m. are considered “Late”.  A call will be generated to the parent informing them that their child was late to school.  Please make the necessary arrangements in order to have your child attend school on time.


When your child is absent an automated call informing the parent of the absence will be generated. If your child is absent, please send a note with your child upon his/her return to school and address the note to your child's teacher.

Picking up your child early

If you find it necessary to have your child released during school hours, please come to the office to sign them out.  No child is allowed to leave school unless the child has been checked out of the office and is accompanied by a parent or an authorized person and proof of Identification has been shown. The authorized person’s name needs to be on the emergency card. This is standard procedure designed to protect each child at Sixth Avenue.


A.  All children are to bring a note from a parent following an absence.

B.  Following a communicable disease such as measles, chicken pox, or mumps, children must report to the nurse's office for re-admittance.

C.  A permit to return to school is required from a physician if a child has had:
     1.  An injury requiring a cast, braces, or crutches.
     2.  A head injury
     3.  An injury requiring stitches
     4.  A prolonged or serious illness


California State Law requires that the physician who prescribes medication to be taken at school must provide the school with written instructions, on the Los Angeles Unified School District Request for Medication Form which will be provided in the nurse’s office.  The container in which the medication comes must bear a label with the following information:

                        A.  Pupil's full name

                        B.  Physician's name and telephone number

                        C.  Name of medication, dosage form, and dosage schedule

                        D.  Date of expiration of medication

Not more than one week's supply can be at school and the medication must be delivered to the school health office by an adult.


A rested child is more alert, does better at school, and is better adjusted socially.  Although sleep requirements vary, children need from 10 - 12 hours of sleep nightly.  A suggested hour of bedtime for children is as follows:

                        Grades K - 2     7:00 P.M.

                        Grades 3 - 4      7:30 P.M.

                        Grade   5           8:30 P.M.


Please mark your child's sweaters and jackets with his/her name. If an article is lost and can’t be found in the child's rooms, you may check our Lost and Found.  It is located in the Main office.  Be sure that your child wears protective clothing on windy and rainy days.

Since we have many different activities such as clay, paint, and blocks, please dress your child in clothes in which he/she will feel comfortable and not afraid of soiling in case of an accident.


Be sure than an emergency number of a relative or friend is on file in the office a telephone number where someone can be reached to care for your child.

If it is necessary to take your child from school early, you will need to come to the main office for a release form.  Children may not be released during school hours to other relative or adults unless there is a note from the parent. (they must bring identification)


Parents are requested to wait outside the gate for their children.  The Fire Department instructs us to keep all walkways and doorways clear.  We cannot have people crowding around the door since this is a safety hazard.  If an older brother or sister is going to pick up your child, please instruct them to be prompt (must be 18 and over).  Parents are to pick up their children immediately and on time after school at their designated gates.  If for any reason you are running late, please contact the office at (323) 733-9107, so we are aware your child is in the office.  Parents who pick up their children late will have to sign them out in the office. 

If you need afterschool care please make the necessary arrangements or fill out a YDP application to see if your child is accepted into the program.  We encourage parents to use this ONLY in an emergency. If your child is not picked up within 15 minutes, you will receive a call from the office.


To protect our children, we ask that parents not come on the grounds without a permit.