Our Vision/Mission

Our vision for 6th Avenue is one where children are educated through a collaborative effort among parents, faculty, staff, students, and community. Our school encourages children to take risk while learning in a safe environment. Students will graduate with the knowledge and skills they need to compete in the 21st-century. Guided by the California state standards each child will receive an education that is geared toward their specific needs.
Our mission at Sixth Avenue Elementary School is to create opportunities for our children that support the acquisition of knowledge, skills, and attitudes that will enable all students to be confident, life-long learners and fully functioning citizens in a global economy. Our focus will be to strengthen math, science instruction and increase literacy through our school wide curriculum. In addition, many enriching, extra-curricular activities will be offered to complement academic achievement and encourage intellectual, social, emotional, and cultural growth. We dedicate and commit ourselves to high expectations for our students, teachers, parents, and community members. We believe that together we can make this mission become a reality.